Friston Classics on the Green

Thursday 10/07/2014

For this year, the fifth event, the weather was a kind, although there was dampness in the air. The attendance was up once again for both exhibtors & visitors, so this year there was a specially designated car park field to cope.

Entry was completely free, with voluntary contributions going into collecting buckets for the village church, St. Marys.

Please enjoy our collage of photographs.

As you can see a wide variety of vehicles turned up. There were long queues for the on site bar & the hot dog/burger BBQ. The village hall was a great place to go & have a sit down & enjoy tea, coffee, rolls & delicious cakes organised by the village ladies.

We even attracted holiday makers. One gentleman, on a touring holiday in his pre-war Rolls Royce, coming to join in the fun.

So if your in the area next year, please come along.